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 Our training programs provide comprehensive guidance for teachers on developing facts fluency with understanding, teaching the four operations of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, proportion, algebra, and other math topics. Join us today to enhance your teaching abilities and help your students succeed in math!

Wooden kids toys on brown background. Educational toys blocks, pyramid. Toys for kindergar

Our training programs are designed to help teachers learn how to teach through problem-solving, utilizing the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, and incorporating Singapore and Japanese math teaching techniques. Join us today to become a more effective educator!

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Wooden kids toys on brown background. Educational toys blocks, pyramid. Toys for kindergar
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We are dedicated to improving the teaching of mathematics in schools through the Japanese Lesson Study approach. Our training and support services help teachers collaborate in developing and teaching lessons publicly. By observing and discussing the lessons, teachers can enhance their teaching skills and provide better learning experiences for their students. Join us on this journey towards better education!

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